Future Medicine hosts Smart In Media

Together with Gateway, the University Excellence Start-Up Center, we are organizing a series of events to bring together researchers and innovative companies who develop AI solutions for medicine and healthcare.

The first event of this series will be titled „Will AI replace the pathologists?“ by Dr. Martin Weihrauch from Smart in Media, a Digital Pathology start-up from Cologne. The seminar will be held on the 19th March at 16:00 at the Gateway Small Seminar Room at Innodom (Weyertal 109, 50931 Köln).

The primary objective of this event is to bridge the gap between industry and university and provide an insight into the world of start-ups and the challenges “outside academia”. 

The event will be followed by a get-together, where you will have the opportunity to discuss with the speakers and participants the ever-changing role of AI in medicine.

Please register here to confirm your attendance

We are looking forward to your participation!

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