
Selected Publications

  • Butt L, Unnersjö-Jess D, Höhne M, Sergei G, Witasp A, Wernerson A, Patrakka J, Hoyer PF, Blom H, Schermer B, Bozek K*, Benzing T*. Deep learning-based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology Kidney International (2023)
  • Pisula JI, Datta RR, Börner-Valdez L, Avemarg J-R, Jung J-O, Plum P, Löser H, Lohneis P, Meuschke M, Pinto dos Santos D, Gebauer F, Quaas A, Bruns CJ, Walch A, Lawonn K, Popp FC, Bozek K. Predicting the HER2 status in esophageal cancer from tissue microarrays using convolutional neural networks, Br J Cancer (2023)
  • K Bozek, L Hebert Y Portugal, GJ Stephens. Markerless tracking of entire insect colony. Nature commun. 2021
  • K Bozek, L Hebert, AS Mikheyev, GJ Stephens | Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive. | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR 2018
  • K Bozek, Y Wei, Z Yan, X Liu, J Xiong, M Sugimoto, M Tomita, S Pääbo, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, JJ Ely, Y Li, D Steinhauser, L Willmitzer, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Organization and evolution of brain lipidome revealed by large-scale analysis of human, chimpanzee, macaque and mouse tissues.| Neuron 2015
  • K Bozek, Y Wei, Z Yan, X Liu, J Xiong, M Sugimoto, M Tomita, S Pääbo, R Pieszek, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, JJ Ely, D Steinhauser, L Willmitzer, J Bangsbo, O Hansson, J Call, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Exceptional evolutionary divergence of human muscle and brain metabolomes parallels human cognitive and physical uniqueness. | PLoS Biol 2014


  • Sergei G, Unnersjö-Jess D, Butt L, Benzing T, Bozek K (2024) Self-supervised representation learning of filtration barrier in kidney. Front. Imaging. 3:1339770. doi: 10.3389/fimag.2024.1339770
  • Jung JO, Pisula JI, Bozek K, Popp F, Fuchs HF, Schröder W, Bruns CJ, Schmidt, T. Prediction of postoperative complications after oesophagectomy using machine-learning methods. British Journal of Surgery (2023) znad181.
  • Naji H, Sancere L, Simon A; Büttner R, Eich M-L, Lohneis P, Bozek K. HoLy-Net: Segmentation of histological images of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Computers in Biology and Medicine (2024) 170, 107978,


  • Butt L, Unnersjö-Jess D, Höhne M, Sergei G, Witasp A, Wernerson A, Patrakka J, Hoyer PF, Blom H, Schermer B, Bozek K*, Benzing T*. Deep learning-based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology Kidney International (2023)
  • vom Stein A, Rebollido-Rios R, Lukas A, Koch M, von Lom A, Reinartz S, Bachurski D, Rose F, Bozek K, Abdallah A, Kohlhas V, Saggau J, Zölzer R, Zhao Y, Bruns C, Bröckelmann P, Lohneis P, Buettner R, Häupl B, Oellerich T, Nguyen P-H, Hallek M. LYN kinase programs stromal fibroblasts to facilitate leukemic survival via regulation of c-JUN and THBS1 Nat Commun (2023) 14, 1330
  • Pisula JI, Datta RR, Börner-Valdez L, Avemarg J-R, Jung J-O, Plum P, Löser H, Lohneis P, Meuschke M, Pinto dos Santos D, Gebauer F, Quaas A, Bruns CJ, Walch A, Lawonn K, Popp FC, Bozek K. Predicting the HER2 status in esophageal cancer from tissue microarrays using convolutional neural networks, Br J Cancer (2023)
  • Jung JO, Pisula JI, Bozek K, Popp F, Fuchs HF, Schröder W, Bruns CJ, Schmidt, T. Prediction of postoperative complications after oesophagectomy using machine-learning methods. British Journal of Surgery (2023) znad181.
  • Naji H, Sancere L, Simon A; Büttner R, Eich M-L, Lohneis P, Bozek K. HoLy-Net: Segmentation of histological images of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Computers in Biology and Medicine (2024) 170, 107978,
  • Butt L, Unnersjö-Jess D, Reilly D, Hahnfeldt R, Rinschen MM, Bozek K, Schermer B, Benzing T, Höhne M, In vivo characterization of a podocyte-expressed short podocin isoform. BMC nephrology (2023) 24, 378,
  • Naji H, Hahn L, Bozek K, Lymphoma Cell Nuclei Classification using Color and Morphology Features. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (2023) 9, 210-213.
  • Deserno M, Bozek K. WormSwin: Instance segmentation of C. elegans using vision transformer. Sci Rep (2023) 13, 110


  • N Hanuscheck, C Thalman, M Domingues, S Schmaul, M Muthuraman, F Hetsch, M Ecker, H Endle, M Oshaghi, G Martino, T Kuhlmann, K Bozek, T van Beers, S Bittner, J von Engelhardt, J Vogt, CF Vogelaar, F Zipp. Interleukin-4 receptor signaling modulates neuronal network activity, J Exp Med (2022) 219 (6): e20211887. 2022


  • K Bozek, L Hebert Y Portugal, GJ Stephens. Markerless tracking of entire insect colony. Nat Commun 12, 1733. 2021
  • DMT Nguyen, ML Luzzolino, A Mankel, K Bozek, GJ Stephens, O Peleg. Flow-Mediated Olfactory Communication in Honey Bee Swarms. PNAS, March 30, 118 (13) e2011916118; 2021
  • L Butt, D Unnersjö-Jess, M Höhne, G Sergei, A Witasp, A Wernerson, J Patrakka, PF Hoyer, H Blom, B Schermer, K Bozek*, T Benzing*. Deep learning-based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology (preprint)


  • AFC Lopes, K Bozek, M Herholz, A Trifunovic, M Rieckher, B Schumacher | A C. elegans model for neurodegeneration in Cockayne Syndrome | Nucleic Acids Research, gkaa795, 2020
  • RNU Kok, L Hebert, G Huelsz-Prince, YJ Goos, X Zheng, K Bozek, GJ Stephens, SJ Tans, JS Van Zon | OrganoidTracker: efficient cell tracking using mashine learning and manual error correction | 15(10): e0240802. 2020


  • K Bozek, L Hebert, AS Mikheyev, GJ Stephens | Pixel personality for dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive |


  • K Bozek, J Rangel, J Arora, M Tin, E Crotteau, GM Loper, J Fewell, AS Mikheyev | Parallel genomic evolution of parasite tolerance in wild honey bee populations |
  • K Bozek, L Hebert, AS Mikheyev, GJ Stephens | Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive. | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2018
  • EE Khrameeva, I Kurochkin, K Bozek, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Lipidome Evolution in Mammalian Tissues. | Mol Biol Evol 2018


  • K Bozek, EE Khrameeva, J Reznick, D Omerbašić, NC Bennett, GR Lewin, J Azpurua, V Gorbunova, A Seluanov, P Regnard, F Wanert, J Marchal, F Pifferi, F Aujard, Z Liu, P Shi, S Pääbo, F Schroeder, L Willmitzer, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Lipidome determinants of maximal lifespan in mammals. | Sci Rep. 2017
  • Q Li*, K Bozek*, C Xu, Y Guo, J Sun, S Pääbo, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, JJ Ely, Y Li, L Willmitzer, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich (*equal contribution) | Changes in lipidome composition during brain development in humans, chimpanzees and macaque monkeys. | Mol Biol Evol 2017


  • K Bozek, Y Wei, Z Yan, X Liu, J Xiong, M Sugimoto, M Tomita, S Pääbo, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, JJ Ely, Y Li, D Steinhauser, L Willmitzer, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Organization and evolution of brain lipidome revealed by large-scale analysis of human, chimpanzee, macaque and mouse tissues.| Neuron 2015


  • K Bozek, Y Wei, Z Yan, X Liu, J Xiong, M Sugimoto, M Tomita, S Pääbo, R Pieszek, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, JJ Ely, D Steinhauser, L Willmitzer, J Bangsbo, O Hansson, J Call, P Giavalisco, P Khaitovich | Exceptional evolutionary divergence of human muscle and brain metabolomes parallels human cognitive and physical uniqueness. | PLoS Biol 2014
  • EE Khrameeva, K Bozek, L He, Z Yan, X Jiang, Y Wei, K Tang, MS Gelfand, K Prufer, J Kelso, S Pääbo, P Giavalisco, M Lachmann, P Khaitovich | Neanderthal ancestry drives evolution of lipid catabolism in contemporary Europeans. | Nat Commun 2014


  • K Bozek, T Lengauer, S Sierra, R Kaiser, FS Domingues | Analysis of Physicochemical and Structural Properties Determining HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage. | PLoS Comp Bio. 2013


  • K Bozek, M Eckhardt, S Sierra, M Anders, R Kaiser, HG Kräusslich, B Müller, T Lengauer | An expanded model of HIV cell entry phenotype based on multi-parameter single-cell data. | Retrovirology. 2012
  • K Bozek, EE Nakayama, K Kono, T Shioda | Electrostatic potential of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and rhesus macaque simian immunodeficiency virus capsid proteins. | Front Microbiol. 2012


  • K Bozek, T Lengauer | Positive selection of HIV host factors and the evolution of lentivirus genes. | BMC Evol Biol. 2010
  • K Bozek, AL Rosahl, S Gaub, S Lorenzen, H Herzel. | Circadian transcription in liver. | Biosystems. 2010


  • A Kuroishi, K Bozek, T Shioda, EE Nakayama | A single aminoacid substitution of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 capsid protein affects viral sensitivity to TRIM5alpha. | Retrovirology. 2009
  • K Bozek, A Thielen, S Sierra, R Kaiser, T Lengauer | V3 loop sequence space analysis suggests different evolutionary patterns of CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic HIV. | PLoS One. 2009
  • K Kono, K Bozek, FS Domingues, T Shioda, EE Nakayama | Impact of a single amino acid in the variable region 2 of the Old World monkey TRIM5alpha SPRY (B30.2) domain on anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 2 activity. | Virology. 2009
  • K Bozek, A Relogio, SM Kielbasa, M Heine, C Dame, A Kramer, H Herzel | Regulation of clock- controlled genes in mammals. | PLoS One. 2009