Our Vision
We develop and apply deep learning methods to quantify information in biomedical image data.
Whether cells, nerves, or blood vessels, fully capturing the morphology of biological structures is a challenging task.
Highly differentiated diseases require large-volume, high-resolution datasets and novel analytical approaches to find recurring patterns in large spectrum of genetic and molecular variation.
C. elegans, a tiny nematode worm, is used to study a broad range of questions in biology, from diseases to neural function. This apparently simple organism shows a broad repertoire of behaviors incomprehensible to human observer.
ageing research
In collaboration with the nephrology lab at the University Hospital Cologne, we explore super-resolution microscopy images of molecular morphology of kidney.
Our Research
Example Projects
Beratung für Data Science
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio voluptas debitis ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.
The Brain Engineering
Neural Engineering
Electrical Signals in the Brain
Systems Neuroscience
Machine Learning
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat.
Neural Threads
Target Discovery
Neural Technology
Cognitive Neuroscience
Projects in Bozek Lab
Our research lies at the intersection of machine learning and biomedicine. We strive to bring the newest developments in computer vision to solve problems in biomedical image analysis.
While addressing questions in cancer, kidney, or ageing research we use the underlying medical datasets to advance to the field of image analysis as well. Our vision is to elevate image and video data in biology and medicine to the scale and resolution of “omics” data and allow for broad and quantitative study of visual information across domains of biomedical research.
You can see some examples of our projects in our research section.
About us
Founded in 2019, the group lead by Prof. Bozek consists of international students and researchers with different backgrounds, from biology to physics and engineering.
our work
Data Science
New age of biological research
Electrical Signals
Biological Evaluation
Nature-Centered Design
*Beratung für Data Science
our team
Our Scientists
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